reflection document
dada collages
virtual dérive
young + average
reclaim the streets poster
inspiration booklet
helvetica hack
bird appreciation
conditional design experiment
Creating a visual and concept experience through my work by using bold colours and visuals by sharing my own opinions.

I can't stand ignorance. My goal in my work is to create a discussion with the spectator by means of interpreting my own view and that of others. This way I aim to cure ignorance revolving around societal and personal issues. This can be done by for example confronting the viewer with these issues by means of design elements. For example taking portraits from fashion magazines and ripping them apart and putting them back together to create an experiment to gauge the diversity in magazines.

I find myself very opinionated and very expressive which shows in my work. Expressing yourself and being opinionated can be an important tool in creating design which stands out. Opinions can be seen as something negative but I see them as a conversation starter.

I believe design should be something fluid and always changing in a way in which moods and emotions change due to being triggered by influences. This way I strive to keep a flexible mindset and a growing set of skills and curiosty during my design process.
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